The Home Page of Dr. Charles Gore

Copyright © 1998-2009

Artworks - Photographs - Selected Publications - Benin Bibliography - Benin Films - Links

Artist, art historian and anthropologist.

Art: Figurative, expressionist, oil, watercolour, pastel, mixed media, etching, monotypes

Research area: Benin City and Edo State, Nigeria. Nigeria. West Africa.

Current Research Interests:

Benin Studies and West African Ethnography.
African Art; Anthropology of Art.
Visual Anthropology and Anthropology of Media with Relation to Photography, Film, Video and the Internet.
Religion, Ritual and Performance in Contemporary Societies.
Approaches to "Popular Culture" and its Relations to Regional/Global Knowledges.
Indigenous Approaches to Health and Healing.


  1. Selection of Art Works by Charles Gore

  2. Selection of Photographs by Charles Gore

  3. Selected Publications by Charles Gore

  4. Bibliography of published research on Benin City

  5. Films on Benin City and the Edo kingdom

  6. Links

The bibliography is ever expanding but I am especially keen to include works on art, religion and culture, history etc. written by sons and daughters of the land so they can get some recognition, please e-mail me at to be included. Similarly anything I have missed out in the bibliography, please let me know so I can update it. If you use the bibliography, referencing it is appreciated. 


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Copyright © 1998-2009
all images and texts copyright Dr.C.Gore
Bibliography updates 20/01/09


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