Dr. Charles Gore:
Selected Publications:
2008a Gore, C., "Burn the Mmonwu": Contradictions and Contestations in Masquerade Performance in Uga, Anambra State in South Eastern Nigeria, African Arts, 41, 4.
2008b Gore, C., Mami Wata: An Urban Presence or the Making of a Tradition in Benin City, Nigeria, (ed.) Drewal, H., Sacred Waters: Arts for Mami Wata and Other Divinities in Africa and the Diaspora, Indiana University Press.
2007a Gore, C., Art, Performance and Ritual in Benin City, IAI and University of Edinburgh Press
2007b Gore, C., Conceptualising Royal, Ancestral Shrines and Personal Shrines in Benin City, Nigeria, in (ed.) Plankensteiner, B., Benin Kings and Rituals: Court Arts from Nigeria, Museum fur Volkerkunde Wien-Kunsthistorisches Museum, UitGeverij Snoeck Editions/Publishers: Vienna, Austria, pp.131-139.
2006a Gore, C., in Drewal, H., with Gore, C., and Kisliuk, M., Siren Serenades: Music for Mami Wata and Other Water Spirits in Africa, (eds.) Austern, L.P. and Naroditskaya, I., Music of the Sirens, Indiana Press: Bloomington and Indanapolis.
2006b Gore, C., Nigerian Museums: A Question of Value, Safeguarding Africa’s Heritage, (ed.) Finneran, N., Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology, 65.
2003 Gore, C., and Pratten, D., The Politics of Plunder: The Rhetorics of Order and Disorder in Southern Nigeria, African Affairs, vol. 102, no.407, april, pp.211-240.
2002 Gore, C., Traditions and Transformations in African Religions, in (eds.) Fletcher, P., Kawanami, H., Smith, D., and Woodhead, L., Religion in the Modern World, Routledge, pp. 204-230.
2001 Gore, C., Commemoration, Memory and Ownership: Some Social Contexts of Photography in Benin City, Nigeria, Journal of Visual Anthropology Special Issue U.S.A., pp.321-342.
Gore, C., A Record of War, Southern Nigeria, Songlines, Gramaphone
Publications, vol.8 autumn/winter, pp.40-41.
1999 Gore, C., Vodou Nation in the United Kingdom, African Arts, UCLA, 32, 2, pp. 77-79.
1998 Gore, C., Ritual, Performance and Media in Benin City, Nigeria, (ed.) Hughes-Freeland, F., Ritual, Performance and the Media, ASA monograph series, Routledge, pp.66-84.
1997a Gore, C., Remembering R.E.Bradbury: An Interview with Professor Peter Morton-Williams, African Arts, UCLA, 30, 4, pp.36-45.
1997b Gore, C., Casting Identities in Contemporary Benin City, African Arts, UCLA, 30, 3, pp.54-61.
1997c Gore, C., and Nevadomsky, J.N., Practice and Agency in Mammy Wata Worship in South-Eastern Nigeria, African Arts, UCLA, Vol.30, No.2, pp.60-69.
1997d Gore, C., Popular Culture in West Africa, pp.447-453; Mami Wata pp.108-110; Encyclopedia of Sub-Saharan Africa; Macmillans Library Reference, USA.
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all images and texts copyright Dr.C.Gore